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Christian Behaviour

Below is an interpretation of standards of Christian Behaviour found in various sources, including the Didache. The Didache is a book of the 1st Century CE apparently used in the early congregations. Amongst other things it describes Two Ways, one of Life and one of Death. These may have come from an existing Jewish tradition. 
Here the Way of Life is called The Christian Way. 

Most of the standards are what should be expected in a properly regulated society, more or less. So it could be said that they are
the original Eden standards.


The Two Ways

The Christian Way The non-Christian Way
The Way of Life The Way of Death
if you sin against Yahweh, who will intercede for you?
love Yahweh
your maker
do not love Yahweh
your maker
do not blaspheme blaspheme
do not deface Yahweh 's image deface Yahweh 's image
do not harbour wicked thoughts harbour wicked thoughts
remember your lack of
spiritual worth
esteem your
spiritual worth
mourn over sin rejoice in sin
pray do not pray
accept what comes
since it comes from
reject all that comes
which is contrary to you
or your desires
do not look for omens look for omens
avoid the
practice of calling on
the help of
spirits or spirit forces
practise calling on
the help of
spirits or spirit forces
avoid idolatry,
and being a witness to it
practise idolatry,
and be a witness to it
if you sin against another, Yahweh will be the arbiter
love yourself
do not love yourself
love your neighbour
as yourself
love yourself more than your neighbour
love and value truth love and value falsehood
learn goodness learn evil
pray for your enemies pray for your friends
beware your
material appetites
enjoy your material appetites
practise constraint
and formality
be uninhibited and informal
be modest be immodest
avoid drunkenness practise drunkenness
avoid a roving eye have a roving eye
avoid unclean talk talk uncleanly
beware of lust be lustful
do not fornicate fornicate
do not commit (practise)
practise (commit)
do not commit (practise)
practise (commit)
learn to be patient be impatient
learn to be calm be agitated
learn to be gentle be harsh
be vindictive
avoid fanaticism be a fanatic
avoid quarrelling be quarrelsome
be hot-tempered
avoid anger be angry
do not retaliate retaliate
do not bear malice bear malice
do not practise
practise murder
do not choose
to stand apart
stand apart
choose to keep step
with the righteous
keep step only with the powerful
avoid factions join factions
do not be too
be too opinionated
associate with honest
and humble folk
do not associate with honest and humble folk
do not associate with
the eminent
associate with the eminent
do not covet covet
tell no lies tell lies
do not take
what is not yours,
nor prevent others from possessing what is theirs,
by force, or threat,
or disregard
what is not yours,
and prevent others from possessing what is theirs,
by force, or threat,
or disregard
do not claim your own claim your own
learn compassion be indifferent
give to those who ask do not give to those who ask
do not take
and forget giving
take what you do not need, and forget giving
daily keep company
with the saints
daily keep evil company
be respectful be insolent
respect the teaching
you have had
despise the teaching you have had
be obedient be disobedient
teach your children
to fear Yahweh
do not teach your children
to fear Yahweh
be just be unjust
try to make peace
between those at variance
try to prevent accord between those at variance
do not give orders sharply give orders sharply
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There are standards of Christian behaviour, which can be learned from the Bible. Christians do not observe these, and consequently are accused of being hypocrites. Standard Christian excuses include, "1'm only human", "I am not perfect", "these things happen", and other similar sentiments. If Luther had agreed with these types of sentiments he would never have nailed his theses to the door, and the Christian world would be governed by Rome. If you really agree with these sentiments, why aren't you a Catholic? 

It is not good enough for Christians to excuse their lapses in behaviour, when challenged by others. Even though these others may not be Christian, it is a proper Christian response to apologise and change your behaviour and be seen to change, or to confront the challenge, not to excuse it or ignore the challenge or the person. An excuse or disregard suggests to the challenger that they are not deemed worthy of a proper response, and are somehow inferior. Christians should never be involved in treating others as inferiors. And be aware of your behaviour at the end of the conversation - don't use the words of oppression to close, otherwise you will be confirmed as a hypocrite. 

If you are accused of being a hypocrite, find out why!
You may have a beam in your eye remember? 

If you are challenged over your behaviour, make inquiry and if necessary apologise and change your behaviour and be seen to change. Otherwise use the opportunity to share your belief accurately. 

If you wish to avoid these confontations, be aware of your behaviour, and the standards with which Yahweh and Yeshua are asking you to comply. 

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Christian Behaviour
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