Christian Behaviour
The Way of Life

avoid idolatry, and being a witness to it
avoid becoming addicted to anything, and being a witness to addictions become addicted to anything, and be a witness to addictions
Idolatry is above all the denial of Yahweh's place at the centre of life. It is also the worshipping of Yahweh in an inappropriate way, or viewing Yahweh or His attributes in a man-centred way. It is more generally the worship of idols.

An idol can be any thing that is wrongly believed to determine existence, or the quality of existence. Material objects, spiritual beings, or people, can come to be thought of as idols. All can be real, or imaginary.
The idol gives meaning to the life of the idolater, who may also think that it gives life itself. At the very least, the idol is supposed to give rewards and punishments; these can be spiritual or material in kind.

Worship, and doing tasks for the idol, are ways of obtaining the rewards and avoiding the punishments. Worship can be made in private or in public places, and can include the carrying out of ritual tasks, and making disciples. There seem to be no constraints on the type of ritual task that may be needed to be carried out; they include all the steps of the Way of Death. Everyday activities, carried out ritually, also can be counted as worship.

Idolatry also happens in reliance on material or spiritual things as 'saviours'. Reliance on things is revealed by everyday comments of discontent such as
"if I had more money, a better job, a fuller belly, the latest car, a better physique, I would be happier, more successful, more popular"
"I cannot lose this job, lose face, lose money, or how would I survive."
"I cannot do this or that, as I have no money, no prospects, no training, no friends."
All discount Yahweh as the sole source and arbiter of adequate provision for life. They reject Yahweh's grace.

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To be addicted is to be devoted to, and bound to, an habitual behaviour, obviously sinful or not, which influences, shapes and determines your life. It is, in effect, idolatry ostensibly free of spiritual connections. Addiction does not necessarily cause apparent damage, but the effect is always unhealthy.

This behaviour can be of many types;

it can be taking drugs, including alcohol, tobacco and coffee; sexual activity, real and imagined; listening to music, and watching television; eating food generally, ("I live to eat, not eat to live"), or of a particular type, eg chocolate, ice cream etc.; work ("I live to work, not work to live"); experiencing psychological states, such as always being active or passive, or angry or calm, happy or sad; always responding the same way to the same things;
it can be superstitious activity such as not treading on cracks in pavement, throwing salt over the left shoulder, not passing under ladders;
it can be being lip-servingly religious, or ritualistic in apparently religious behaviour.

The behaviour is habitual, and is actively sought for, or not resisted, or 'impossible' to resist.

The behaviour produces apparently beneficial, and short term, spiritual, psychological, and physical effects.

There can be adverse physical, and psychological, effects when the behaviour is stopped, or prevented.

Addiction can arise because of child rearing practices, both parental and state, and adverse social growth experiences, including abuse on any dimension. Addiction can be acquired by the types of choices made in living.

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