Christian Behaviour
The Way of Life

love yourself
do not offend yourself offend yourself
look for self-advantage do not look for self-advantage
 Love Yourself

Accept Yahweh's love. If Yahweh loves you, who are you to reject that love, by reason of your unworthiness?

Desire for yourself what Yahweh intends for you. Desire to be righteous.

Be open to Yahweh, with a desire for the supreme spiritual relationship. The benefits of the relationship will flow from Yahweh.

The best way to love yourself is to love Yahweh, and your neighbour.

Heed and regard the actions of others in and upon your life. Pay constant attention and keep your gaze steadily on Yahweh. Develop insight and perception.
In all you do, consider Yahweh, and His will, and refrain from taking offence from others.
Avoid unrighteous interference by others.
Act with your safety, health, and welfare in mind, in both spiritual and material matters.
Regard all actions by others in and upon your life with honest appreciation.
Be passionate and zealous for knowledge of Yahweh.
Be seriously determined. Continue firmly and obstinately, despite obstacles, or forcible resistance by word or deed.
Come to be righteous, enjoy it, prefer it, wish for it.
Have loyalty and faithfullness towards righteousness, and be steadfast in your allegiance.
Develop habitual thoughts, words and deeds which express your self-respect as a child of Yahweh.
Think or do nothing which is not useful.
Be eager to know yourself.
At all times practice honest appreciation of your thoughts and actions.
Take a strong interest in yourself, and your actions. Do not be indifferent, nor ignorant.
Become sensitive to your needs, and character.
Learn to be delicate, and susceptible to your experience of pain and grief, in the face of the world's actions.
Have fondness and goodwill towards yourself.
Develop liking and affection towards yourself.

Limits to Loving yourself

There are limits to loving yourself.

Loving yourself does not mean being self-centred, or tolerating non-Christian behaviour in yourself, or exposing others to unnecessary demands on their tolerance.

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Your self-advantage consists in

Removing, or resisting, the desire for things of the world from your heart, and being indifferent to them.

Learning to distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.

Not desiring money, wealth, honour, and praise.

Not abhoring poverty, lack, dishonour, and blame.

Surrendering to the will of Yahweh. Committing your plans to Yahweh. Letting Yahweh produce the outcome. Not being concerned about the future.

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Christian Behaviour
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