Christian Behaviour
The Way of Life

love Yahweh your maker
love your neighbour as yourself
love yourself
Human Love Yahweh's Love Christian Love
 Human Love

Love is an emotion of wanting to be with, or to possess, another person or thing. It is a response to actual or imagined characteristics in a person, people, thing or things, which are considered to actually, or to be potentially able to, satisfy, or help to satisfy, certain human needs.

To be with is to be open to the other, with an intent to have a beneficial relationship with physical, emotional, intellectual, social or spiritual, characteristics. The benefits of the relationship flow mainly both ways.

To possess is to be with, but with the added elements of ownership, dominance, control, and exclusivity. The benefits of the relationship flow mainly one way.

Needs can be present or anticipated, real or imagined. Need satisfaction doesn't necessarily evoke love as a response. It depends on the type of need, the strength, and the frequency at which the need arises. Different needs can be satisfied at the same time.

Needs can be physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

Physical needs include air, food & drink; good health; shelter; a comfortable physical environment; exercise; sex.

Emotional and intellectual needs include achievement; association with others; mastery of people or things; safety; stability; self-development; self-esteem; self-expression.

Spiritual needs include understanding the meaning of existence, the need for enlightenment; worship of a supreme spiritual being, or other spiritual beings; immortality; spiritual union with a supreme being, or other spiritual beings;

Parent towards child seeks to satisfy needs to nurture, protect, teach, control, dominate, Child's towards parent seeks to satisfy needs to be nurtured, protected, taught, controlled, dominated, Person to person seeks to satify needs to be respected,

Love includes admiration, adoration, affection, attachment, benevolence, brotherly love, desire, devotion, enchantment, enthusiasm, fancy, fellow-feeling, fervor, fondness, gallantry, help, idolatry, inclination, infatuation, liking, passion, regard, sympathy, tenderness, tender passion, yearning.

 Yahweh's Love
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Yahweh's Love is His desire for His unconstrained creation to be what He intends it to be. His love includes affection, attachment, benevolence, fondness, help, inclination, liking, regard, sympathy, tenderness.

He is open to all, intending to provide physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual benefits. The benefits of the relationship flow only one way - towards His creation.

His love is active in ...
- sustenance, nourishment, encouragement, giving, for all;
- pleasure, guidance, forgiveness, and correction, for those who respond
  with fear, repentance, awe and love.
Yahweh's Hatred is His constant opposition to the actions of His unconstrained creatures in deliberately avoiding being what He intended them to be. His hatred includes hostility, alienation, enmity, hindrance, aversion, disregard, antipathy, coolness.
His hate is active in ...
- justice and punishment for those who respond to His love
  with indifference or hatred.
 Christian Love
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Christian love towards Yahweh

Christian love reflects Yahweh's love. It is a desire for Yahweh's unconstrained creation to be what He intended it to be. It includes a desire of wanting to be with Yahweh.

To be with is to be open to Yahweh, with a desire to have a constant spiritual relationship, and, while in the flesh, with intellectual, emotional and physical characteristics. The benefits of the relationship flow from Yahweh to the Christian.

Love includes admiration, adoration, affection, attachment, delight, devotion, enthusiasm, fervor, fondness, homage, inclination, liking, regard, service, yearning.

Christian love towards Yahweh's creation

Christian love towards Yahweh's creation is a desire to take part in the maintenance of His creation. It means to be a good steward, and to encourage others to do the same.

Christian love towards other people

Christian love also includes the desire of wanting to be with other people. It is a response to Yahweh's love, independent of the characteristics of others, to actually, or to be potentially able to, satisfy, or help to satisfy, their proper needs. The needs of the Christian take second place, but may be also satisfied. It could be said that the human needs of a Christian should be given up in order to better concentrate on the needs of others. After all, a Christian is reflecting Yahweh's love, and Yahweh loves without need.

To be with is to be open to the other, with an intent to have a beneficial relationship with spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, and physical, characteristics. The benefits of the relationship flow in direction according to the characteristics of the other person. If the other person is a Christian, mutuality is more likely, than if the other person is not a Christian.

Needs can be present or anticipated, and real not imagined. Satisfying another's needs doesn't necessarily evoke love as a response in return, and this is not looked for. Different needs can be satisfied at the same time.

The needs Christians seek to satisfy can be physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual, although spiritual needs take precedence.

Physical needs include air, food & drink; good health; shelter; a comfortable physical environment.

Emotional and intellectual needs include achievement; association with others; mastery of things; safety; stability; self-development; self-esteem; self-expression.

Spiritual needs include understanding the meaning of existence, the need for enlightenment; worship of Yahweh; spiritual union with Yahweh.

Christian love includes attachment, benevolence, bountifulness, constancy, endurance, enthusiasm, faithfulness, favourableness, fellow-feeling, forbearance, friendliness, fruitfulness, generosity, helpfulness, hopefulness, kindness, lavishness, liberality, patience, regard, rejoicing with the truth, resistance, sympathy, tenderness, thoughtfulness.

Christian love is not envious, jealous, or antagonistic; does not brag; is not puffed up with pride, is not conceited; is not formless, ambitious, nor ostentatious; is not self-seeking; is not provoked to evil; doesn't attribute evil (demonise, condemn), doesn't keep accounts of evil actions; abhors injustice, unfair demands, uneveness, difficulty.

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Christian Behaviour
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