Christian Behaviour
The Way of Life

love Yahweh your maker
do what Yahweh wills do not do what Yahweh wills
pursue righteousness withdraw from righteousness
have knowledge of the rewards of righteousness be ignorant of the rewards of righteousness
learn to be meek be self-motivated
learn to be pure in heart be double-minded
 Love Yahweh your maker

Reflect Yahweh's love. Keep a desire for Yahweh's unconstrained creation to be what He intended it to be. Desire to be with Yahweh.

Be open to Yahweh, with a desire for a constant spiritual relationship. The benefits of the relationship will flow from Yahweh.

Have for Yahweh,
Have esteem for Yahweh, and defer to His will.
Heed and regard His actions in and upon your life. Pay constant attention and keep your gaze steadily on Him.
In all you do, consider Him and His will, and refrain from giving Him offence. Avoid interfering with the action of His will. Use His creation without harm or waste, and with safety for others.
Regard all His actions in and upon your life with favour.
Let Him be your source of delight, enjoyment, gratification, joy, and satisfaction. Take great pleasure in Him, and give Him cause for pleasure in return.
Love Him intensely, with your full emotions, to the highest degree possible for you. Be forceful in your expressions of this love.
Worship Him in thought, words, and deeds.
Have loyalty and faithfullness towards Him, and be steadfast in your allegiance.
Be inspired by Yahweh.
Take a strong interest in Him, and His actions. Do not be disinterested, nor impartial in respect to Him - He is neither disinterested nor impartial in respect to you.
Be curious as to His will in your life. Be concerned in His will for the world, take an interest in His business.
Be eager to know Him.
Be passionate and zealous for Yahweh.
Let hearty, persistent, endeavour, motivate your life.
Be seriously determined. Continue firmly and obstinately, despite obstacles, or forcible resistance by word or deed.
Have fondness and goodwill towards Yahweh, and be willing to undertake seemingly unrewarded duties at His command.
Develop a liking and affection towards Yahweh.
Let your natural tendencies lean towards Him.
Choose Yahweh above all others. Come to agree with Yahweh, enjoy Him, prefer Him, wish for His company.
Be filled with longing, compassion, and tenderness towards Him.
Develop an intense desire to be with Him, and to do His will.
Become sensitive to His desires.
Learn to be delicate, and susceptible to the experience of the pain and grief of Yahweh, in the face of the world's rejection.
Do homage, and serve Him. Develop habitual thoughts, words and deeds which express your respect and affection for Him. Discover the duties and functions Yahweh has allocated to you, and be continually employed in them, for as long as He needs you. Be useful to Yahweh. Wait on His command.
 What Yahweh wills
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That you love Him with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and worship and serve Him only.

That you be as perfect as He is.

That you be what He intends you to be.

That you love others.

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Righteousness is the practice and goal of complying with Yahweh's standards in thought, word and deed.

It is:-
right mindfulness;
by paying attention to Yahweh's communication with you;
by paying attention to the people and things around you;
by being mindful of the present moment, in what you experience spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially;
right knowledge;
of Yahweh, His thoughts, words and deeds;
of the causes of things;
of yourself;
of other people;
right understanding;
of Yahweh, His thoughts, words and deeds;
of the meanings of things;
of yourself;
of other people;
right judgement;
as Yahweh would judge;
in learning discrimination between right and wrong;
in judging yourself;
in judging others;
right emotion;
recognising what are negative emotions;
recognising when, how, why, and by whom negative emotions arise;
avoiding negative emotions;
recognising what are positive emotions;
recognising when, how, why, and by whom positive emotions arise;
cultivating positive emotions;
right speech;
recognising the words, forms of expression, body language, and dress which are used by the unrighteous to offend, or oppress, others;
avoiding the use of words, forms of expression, body language, and dress which are designed to offend, or oppress, others;
cultivating the use of words, forms of expression, body language, and dress which are intended to be examples for others;
right conduct;
recognising the modes of behaviour Yahweh wishes us to use;
constantly practising behaviour Yahweh wishes us to use;
recognising the modes of behaviour which are used by the unrighteous to offend, or oppress, others;
avoiding the use of modes of behaviour which are used by the unrighteous to offend, or oppress, others;
cultivating the use of modes of behaviour which are intended to be examples for others;
right livelihood;
recognising the ways of earning a living which ...;
are against Yahweh's laws
have effects which are against Yahweh's laws
prevent compliance with Yahweh's laws;
support, or help, others in ignoring, or disobeying, Yahweh's laws;
allow or encourage others to ignore, or disobey, Yahweh's laws;
earning a living in ways which ...;
follow Yahweh's laws
have effects which comply with Yahweh's laws
encourage compliance with Yahweh's laws;
support, or help, others in knowing and obeying Yahweh's laws;
allow or encourage others to know and obey Yahweh's laws;

Righteousness is not innocence. It is a standard of conduct against which Christian behaviour is measured both absolutely and by comparison to others following the same way. Doing the right thing, fully in accordance with Yahweh's laws and requirements, is its essence.

Pursuing righteousness is characterised by the righteous becoming increasingly aware of the extent of the deviation of much of the world from Yahweh's standards. It brings a painful awareness of injustice. The child's appreciation of fairness is its seed. Many parents, and other parental authority figures, train this out of the children, by asserting that that unfairness is the way it is - the unrighteous, and unrighteousness, therefore increase.

There is a barrier between those who are righteous and those who are not. The unrighteous recognise the righteous, hate them on sight, and act on it. The righteous cannot cross this barrier of hate. All they can do is not to erect their own barrier of reflecting hate, and be open to accept a repentant person as a fellow pilgrim.

 The Rewards of Righteousness
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Yahweh's favour is the key reward of Righteousness. Yahweh's favour may be expressed in the following ways:-

fruitfulness, productiveness, reproductiveness;
prosperity, wealth;
exaltation, promotion, raising up, being in control;
success in all you do.
If you have all the above, you should not presume that you are enjoying Yahweh's favour. The unrighteous can also have these, as the present alternative to eternal life. The unrighteous, who believe, can presume that because they have the signs of being blessed, they are actually chosen, and those without the signs are actually rejected.
   Likewise, if you experience these things, while not practising rightousness as you know you should, do not presume that you have nothing else to do - Yahweh may be testing you.

Yahweh's favour is also expressed in present punishment and chastisement for wrongs committed. If you experience retribution for wrongdoing now, and repent and amend, you can be sure of no further punishment. If Yahweh does not presently chastise for wrongs you commit, and for which you express no remorse, then Yahweh may not have acknowledged you as His child, and the ultimate penalty could await you.

 Learn to be meek
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Meekness before Yahweh is the attitude of waiting on His action, and seeking His approval before you act. It is placing Yahweh first, not self. In fact Yahweh's action in your life may be against your apparent self-interest, especially if that self-interest would be harmful to others, or yourself.

 Learn to be pure in heart
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To be pure in heart is to have integrity, which is a Yahweh measurable attribute. It is not situational, nor subjective there is no such thing as my integrity or your integrity. It is the continuing wholeness of righteous thought and action.

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Christian Behaviour
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