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Not a Christian?

Many consider themselves not Christian, by choice. They have consciously rejected Yeshua as the Son of Yahweh, and maintain that opposition as a habit and practice. They include active members of various world religions, sects, cults, and philosophical, spiritual, and social organisations.

Others think that Yahweh has nothing to offer, that spirituality is not for them, that religion is about oppression, and that the world is only material.

They may be wrong.

The Jewish scriptures indicate that a person of Yahweh has been called by name before birth, which means that they were chosen to become Yahweh's children; the Christian scriptures say pretty much the same thing, but with the additional witness of the person's spirit. A Christian recognises spiritually that they are a child of Yahweh, or at least have the potential to become a child of Yahweh.

The scriptures also indicate that many are not called to become Yahweh's children. In fact some are made wicked for the day of evil.

How do you know you have been, or are being, called?

Adversity is a good indication, if it happens in response to either doing or attempting to do the right thing.

Being unjustly opposed is a good indication.

Being unjustly hated is a good indication.

Being unjustly separated or outcast from others is a good indication.

Being unjustly disgraced or discredited is a good indication.

Being unjustly "cast out your name as evil/wicked" is a good indication.

Adversity is a good indication, if it happens in response to either doing or attempting to do the wrong thing.

Being justly opposed is a good indication.

Being justly hated is a good indication.

Being justly separated or outcast from others is a good indication.

Being justly disgraced or discredited is a good indication.

Being justly "cast out your name as evil/wicked" is a good indication.

Of course you need to understand the real meanings of right thing, wrong thing, and justice to determine if an action is unjust. The true meaning of adversity must also be grasped. You can only do this by learning what these things are by reading Yahweh's word, praying, practising righteousness, and walking with Christ.

General adversity, not obviously arising from your own actions, is the persistent reminder that you should be listening to Yahweh's call. It is given to all people. This general adversity is a consequence of the sin of disobedience of the first humans, and is clearly intended as a retribution. It is also a rehabilitation programme, in that it can provide lessons in submission to Yahweh.

Will it make a difference?

It may not make a difference to your life. What you were you may remain. Your circumstances may change, depending on your particular life, and how Yahweh determines. Any change is for the better, even though by contrast with you previous life it may appear worse.

If you have good relationships, they may become bad. If you experience difficulties in relationships, you may still have them, or they may become worse. As a readily observed situation, if you are 'black' and experience prejudice, becoming a Christian will not change that. In fact it may make the experience harder to bear.
   'Black' Christians are not always recognised by their fellow 'white' Christians, and can experience rejection. 'White' Christians can be rejected by 'black' Christians. Any Christian can be rejected by Christians who are not of the same racial group. This is why congregations tend to be organised along racial lines, even though it is not approved by Yahweh.
   The terms 'black' and 'white' are in quotation marks, because the terms are relative.

Being a Christian demands continual practice and constant concentration.
   You will face difficulties and challenges which may be new to you. These are associated with your new life as a Christian, and are the outworkings of the resistance of evil to good.

Then why become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian has only personal benefits. It puts your relationship with Yahweh on a proper footing, and allows you to be free of worldly illusions which lead to personal torment.

Becoming a Christian signifies a choice for freedom not captivity, dependence not slavery, mindfulness not mindlessness, and spirit not matter.

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